Eyeport: Yes you'll need a macro lens. I took these photos with a Tamron 90mm Macro and a D200. The picture you see above was cropped slightly from the original picture (like crop 10-15% horizontally/vertically) mainly to center the splash on the photo.
脚印: i was using 1/250s to 1/320s. May experiement with a faster speed next time
小波: 謝謝
斯里兰卡的青蛙: 你需要單反相機+一個微距鏡頭+外閃...
siyuan79, 龙套一号: 你們住在哪? ho ho...
qingyang, nic, conax: i agree with what Conax said.. "女生看照片就是不一樣" and yes i was using a Tamron 90mm