
标题: 现在技能移民是不是一定要提供IELST成绩? [打印本页]

作者: michael_ma    时间: 2009-7-1 03:21:26     标题: 现在技能移民是不是一定要提供IELST成绩?

作者: michael_ma    时间: 2009-7-12 05:01:41

作者: 西狂    时间: 2009-7-12 08:40:39

English language requirements
To apply under the Skilled Migrant Category, you will need to meet a minimum standard of English language ability. Both the principal applicant and any non-principal applicants aged 16 and over (partner and dependent children) have to meet our requirements.

Principal applicants
The principal applicant is the person making the application. If you are the principal applicant, you must meet our standards of English. The minimum standard of English is an International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS) certificate, with a band score of 6.5 or better in the General or Academic modules. This certificate must be less than two years old.

However, we may consider one of the following as evidence if you can show us that you:

have a recognised qualification from a course taught entirely in English,
have ongoing skilled employment in New Zealand, and have been in the job for at least the last 12 months, or
have other evidence proof of competency in English. We will consider a number of factors.

Non-principal applicants

This is anyone else on the application aged 16 and over. We accept the following proof of ability:

You have a recognised qualification from a course taught entirely in English.
You are in ongoing skilled employment in New Zealand, and have been for at least 12 months.
You have sufficient schooling in English:
primary and at least three years' secondary schooling,
five years' secondary schooling, or  
tertiary course of at least three years' length.
You have certain secondary certificates with passes in English classes:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) 'A' levels from Britain or Singapore,
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English,
Hong Kong Advanced Level Examinations (HKALE) including Use of English,
University of Cambridge in collaboration with University of Malaysia, General Certificate of English (GCE) 'A' levels,
International Baccalaureate, full diploma in English Medium,
STPM 920 (Malaysia), with A or B pass in English Literature,
South African Matriculation Certificate, with minimum D pass in English (Higher Grade),
South African Senior Certificate, with minimum D pass in English (Higher Grade), endorsed as 'matriculation exempt', or
New Zealand tertiary entrance qualification gained on completing year 13 or seventh form.
You have a recent IELTS certificate with a band score of 5 or better in the General or Academic modules.

In all cases, we may still require an IELTS certificate.

If, as a non-principal applicant, you do not meet these standards, you can still apply if you pre-purchase ESOL training, which will let you improve your English after you arrive.
作者: pzyc508    时间: 2009-7-12 11:23:46

作者: 王旺旺    时间: 2009-7-13 17:09:24

不是一定需要 但是移民官会不会跟你要 不确定 因为每个移民官不同 每个人的想法也不同
我有朋友已经工作三年了 还是被要求提供雅思

不过 也不是一定要出示雅思 如果移民官要的话 也可以争取面试 来代替雅思
作者: immigrants    时间: 2009-7-13 19:07:18

雖然官方網站上只說可以豁免雅思但移民官有權要求考雅思, 但事實上, 如果沒有在英語國家生活過, 只有在香港的英語大學學位, 那麼通常會否不能豁免雅思?
作者: 西狂    时间: 2009-7-13 19:15:42     标题: 回复 6# immigrants 的帖子

作者: immigrants    时间: 2009-7-13 21:12:35

原帖由 西狂 于 2009-7-13 18:15 发表

明白, 又這樣問, 是不是現在即使在 NZ 讀書的人都不一定免雅思?
作者: 西狂    时间: 2009-7-13 21:38:34     标题: 回复 8# immigrants 的帖子

作者: 远大    时间: 2009-7-13 21:44:47


1. 主申请人需要IELTS G类或A类 6.5分, 如果有本地两年或两年以上学历一般不需要IELTS成绩.

2. 副申请人如果要为申请加学历或工作经验分, 就必须有IELTS G类或A类 6.5分, 如果有本地两年或两年以上学历就不需要出具IELTS成绩.
如果副申请人没有为申请加学历或工作经验分, 在AIP之前就不必须有IELTS成绩报告. AIP后, 如果副申请人的IELTS成绩没有到5分, 需要预交英文学习费用后, PR签证才会贴到护照上.

另外, 不在本地新西兰受教育的学生, 只要出示所受教育是以英文环境,可免IELTS.

以上条例是移民局的一般规定, 但是具体案例具体分析, 有时移民官在你已经有本地学历的前提下还要求申请人提供IELTS报告,这样的机会很低, 有时一封好的解释信也会解决问题, 结果可能不再需要提供IELTS成绩.皆大欢喜!
作者: immigrants    时间: 2009-7-13 22:14:30

原帖由 远大 于 2009-7-13 20:44 发表

1. 主申请人需要IELTS G类或A类 6.5分, 如果有本地两年或两年以上学历一般不需要IELTS成绩.

2. 副申请人如果要为申请加学历 ...

謝謝你的回答. 我想問, 如果在香港的讀大學電腦學科及在香港工作, 免雅思機會大嗎?
作者: 远大    时间: 2009-7-13 22:53:24

原帖由 immigrants 于 2009-7-13 21:14 发表

謝謝你的回答. 我想問, 如果在香港的讀大學電腦學科及在香港工作, 免雅思機會大嗎?

如果你能证明你在香港读的大学是用英文授课的, 原则上是可以免IELTS的.
你可以向你所在的大学要求出具一封信作为说明, 移民局是会接受的.

补充一句, 考IELTS确实是一件非常折磨人的事, 本人深有体会. 有时IELTS分数, 并不一定真正代表你的英文程度. 所以没有考到理想分数的人, 不要因为IELTS不高, 而对自己的英文丧失信心.
作者: Micky    时间: 2009-7-13 23:32:57

原帖由 远大 于 2009-7-13 20:44 发表
如果副申请人没有为申请加学历或工作经验分, 在AIP之前就不必须有IELTS成绩报告. AIP后, 如果副申请人的IELTS成绩没有到5分, 需要预交英文学习费用后, PR签证才会贴到护照上.


[ 本帖最后由 Micky 于 2009-7-13 22:35 编辑 ]
作者: immigrants    时间: 2009-7-13 23:41:40

原帖由 远大 于 2009-7-13 21:53 发表

如果你能证明你在香港读的大学是用英文授课的, 原则上是可以免IELTS的.
你可以向你所在的大学要求出具一封信作为说明, 移民局是会接受的.

补充一句, 考IELTS确实是一件非常折磨人的事,  ...

謝謝回答, 似乎能否免考雅思是十分多變數, 相比澳洲等國較清晰, 真的折磨人!

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