- Proof of shared income or bank account showing money transfers to or from my a/c to my partner's (我寫了一張字, 解釋我們的錢怎樣用, 然後將有關的bank statement有螢光筆間好)
- Any evidence of public or family recognition of our relationship (相, 跟朋友, 跟家人一齊拍的合照, 一共5張, 每張寫清楚地點及月份)
- Correspondence (including post marked envelopes) to me and my partner at the same address (這個要小心, 一般收信後都會掉了信封, 所以我只交了3封很最期的信, 2封給我老公, 1封給我的, 1封銀行信, 1封政府信, 1封TRADEME的信)
- Evidence of communication between my partner andn me (其實大家已經一齊住, 根本都不會寫信或發電郵, 有都是鬧交時HAHA, 而且通常都是中文, 不過我都有一兩封英文的電郵, 主要都是電話短訊, 我用相機拍自己的短訊, 改用WORD排好,打印出來)
- Photographs of my partner and me together (6張, 不同季節拍的, 其中有2張婚紗相, 1張在家拍, 1張在香港, 1張在北京, 1張在taupo, 給CO知道我們一齊去過其他地方)
- Letter of support from friends and/or family (5封, 1封是我哥哥, 1封是我表弟, 1封是我國內的朋友, 1封是我這裡的朋友, 1封是我老公的朋友, 沒有刻意叫雙方父母寫, 因為他們都不懂英文)
- Written Chronology of our relationship with details as follows
**when, where and how we met each other
**details of any travel together
**when, where and how long we have lived together
**details of shared future plans
**details of shared common interests
**list the address we have lived together with approximate dates
**specific details of any time apart and why
(雖然有點長及有些煩, 但CO已經寫得很清楚他要的東西, 我只是十分坦白地答他的問題, 這個written chronology我寫了6張紙)