對那些天真支持藏獨疆獨的西方人, 我覺得最有效的反擊是直接對他們說: 你們的祖宗也是佔人土地, 假使要中國讓新疆, 西藏獨立, 那請先也讓你們美加澳纽的土著先獨立, 然後你們通通滾回英國去, 我們中國人才會考慮.....(Your ancestors also invaded and occupied land that do not belong to you guys to create the so called "New World" in the last century. If you think China should let Tibet/Xinjiang to go independent, please allow the indigenous people in your US/Canada/Australia/NZ to go independent first, then you guys all bugger off back to UK; only until then, the Chinese would consider to allow them to get independent....)