表格上有一项是“have you attached bank statement/ wage slips from the last three months”,也就是说要提供过去三个月的BANK STATEMENT?还是去银行开一份简简单单的显示有多少存款的就可以啊?小女糊涂了。。请大家帮忙解释一下,谢谢。作者: yulin5292 时间: 2009-10-6 18:26:31
Evidence of financial support and accommodation
You have a sponsor
If your sponsor is providing your accommodation, but is not providing for your maintenance you
must provide:
• the completed Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand (INZ 1025) and the evidence
requested in that form and
• evidence that you have NZ$400 per month for each person included in the application.
What type of evidence of funds is acceptable?
Acceptable evidence of your funds includes:
• photocopies of travellers’ cheques
• bank drafts
• letters of credit
• bank statements in your name.
You must not send cash or original evidence of funds.作者: 地瓜叶 时间: 2009-10-9 17:49:33