Second review of 2009The outcome of the first 2009 review on LTSSL was released on 2 July 2009.
The submission process for the second review of the Essential Skills in Demand Lists (ISSL and LTSSL) was closed on 15 July 2009. Submitters will be notified of the outcome of submissions in late November 2009 when the outcome of the second review is released.
The current lists (ISSL was published on 15 June and LTSSL was published on 2 July 2009) will remain effective until the revised lists come into effect. Normal work policy provisions can still be used for any occupations not listed on the Essential Skills in Demand Lists.
祝大家好运!作者: CG.yin 时间: 2009-10-13 10:02:45
谢谢分享,消息很及时作者: llia018 时间: 2009-10-13 10:35:57
不用谢,是昨天更新的。。作者: bennayon 时间: 2009-10-13 11:48:02
review代表什么呢?作者: Nokia 时间: 2009-10-13 12:08:08
2周前就知道了..可以搜搜我在别人贴的回复......作者: Nokia 时间: 2009-10-13 12:08:32