我仔细看了那个Information on making a complaint 从NZCIA的网上。
以前我因为一些事情去Disputes Tribunal, 我写好了我的argument, 结果Disputes Tribunal把我写的东西寄给了和我有过结的的那个人, 后来那个人有备而来编了一些瞎话,很明显我就输了。这就好象我律师给我辩护的东西都告诉了对方, 我还有什么机会呢?
NZICA和那个是一样的啊? 我把我的complaint交给他们, 他们研究好了在对付我, 他们就知己知彼了, 我百战百殆。请看下面的complaint过程。
When we receive your complaint, we
first check it to make sure it is a matter
we can deal with. Next, we have to
send a copy of your complaint, along
with any evidence you’ve sent, to the
Chartered Accountant. This gives them
the chance to put forward their side of
the story, so we have a full picture of
what’s happened.
We will also be in touch with you to
send you more information about our
process of dealing with the complaint,
and explain how you are involved.作者: 胡说八道 时间: 2009-10-22 22:37:31