Make yourself more employable by either going to uni or getting some certification.Looking for job while you study and once you find the job you can either postpond your study or study part-time.
The key here is to make yourself more employable,degree sometimes help sometimes does not help.But it is better than stay at home doing nothing and looking for job.作者: sweetylee 时间: 2009-11-1 18:17:55
如果就你nzdb的学历难找工作的话,我建议LZ读一些短期的技能课程,比如graphic design, auto-CAD design,3d max 什么的。。.反正这方面的人才还是比较短缺的。。
东邪 发表于 2009-11-2 12:51
that's what I recom too, think about some industry certificates or short couses like they said "make yourselves more employable"作者: xiaolu 时间: 2009-11-3 13:25:27