New Zealand citizens do not need a permit to be in New Zealand.
The only acceptable evidence of New Zealand citizenship on arrival in New Zealand is a current New Zealand passport.
New Zealand citizens travelling on the passport of another country, who produce that passport when seeking entry to New Zealand, will be regarded as a citizen of that other country and may need a permit to enter New Zealand. If, on return to New Zealand, they wish to have a residence permit placed in that passport, they should hold a current RRV.
New Zealand citizens travelling on foreign passports recognised by New Zealand may be issued with RRVs current for an indefinite period, unless the issuing state has advised that the particular individual's passport is invalid.
Note: If the basis for granting the RRV is New Zealand citizenship, New Zealand is to be shown as the nationality on the visa label.
Effective 07/09/2009作者: 荒岛余生 时间: 2009-11-16 10:50:36
谢谢楼上的信息。但是疑问是当年的RRV是以别的citizenship拿到的,那么这个RRV就不是basis on NZ citizenship,是否还要show NZ的nationality吗?所以很希望楼主去尝试一下,看看最后如何办理的,楼主现身啊?现在是纯技术讨论,这种做法在纽西兰是合法的,钻的是中国的法律漏洞。如果有义愤填膺的,可以先去声讨钻中国税法漏洞逃税的。作者: joey12 时间: 2009-11-21 22:29:47