在没有经验的情况下怎么才能有力的争取到自己想要的职位呢??no experience and get the job you want? you need a friend, his first name is Good, last name is Luck.
当初个位找工作的时候每天都发多少CV啊?I always get the job I want if I apply, it really depend on your industry.
发到多少的时候才有回音的???see previous question
有工作经验,但是想转行的时候,过去的工作经验是写上好还是牙根不提好呢??you need to mention it.
大家对自己现在的工作满意么???very happy
都是用了多久时间找到的呢???didnt really look for a job, was reading newspaper and thought I like this job.