上诉的理由,是我没有用工作申请PR,但移民官WTR的理由是我工作的职位不够,我不解的是,既然条件不够为什么当时会AR我呢?移民官给了我一个很详细的面试,我从头到尾的回答是围绕着我是会很稳定的定居在新西兰的,生活计划和工作目标明确,千万别提将要发展学业.....后来他给我批了,他是这么回答我的Your application has come back from our verification unit. The verification officer gave quite a detailed report and there were still concerns that your position may not meet the requirements of skilled employment but I have deliberated about your case and I am willing to consider offering you residence.作者: 珍惜拥有 时间: 2009-12-31 18:57:50