To build a High Speed Rail in NZ is never as easy as that in China, it is likely to go thru the following steps:
- First, OnTrack/NZ Rail engages consultants to do a lot of feasibility studies,
environmental impact assessments, economic analysis, preliminary designs, etc... in
order to jusify the project..
- then, OnTrack/NZ Rail then need to "sell" the proposal to all city councils and their
committees/community boards, along the route - it is a fight between
OnTrack/KiwiRail vs city councils and their committees for their "buy in"...
- The designs/routes keep changing to address as many concerns as possible
from all sorts of people including politicans, urban designers, environmental groups,
local residents, etc..
- Then, Resource Management Act 這關 to designate the route first, with lot of
appeals that may happen...
- Then it is Public Works Act (Properties Acquisition) comes to play and numerous
disputes over compensations
- Then, with appeals from those affected land owners, Environmental groups to the
Environment Court...
- During this period, undoubtedly, the cost of construction, land purchase, mitigation
measures, etc $$$ will surely soar up significantly....
- Then, government changed and the new government suddenly decides not to
proceed as it is too expensive or they simply dont want to, and all the
studies/designs put back on shelves ...
- It may then become a legendary project decades later and someone may pick it up
This is the reality of Transport Planning in New Zealand/modern Western World, dont expect anything that big could happen here ...作者: 4444 时间: 2010-3-2 15:26:54
OIC - a little kid...but not bad, at least, you are interested in this sort of thing rather than just like sticking to your PS3
Perhaps LZ is a big fan of SimCity or those "Rail Tycoons" series of computer game - where you can build whatever transport infrastructure and wherever you like (if they got a high speed rail option?);
But in reality, it is not working likes this in the WESTERN world (where you are living) ...作者: ChicagoBulls 时间: 2010-3-2 16:29:23
就养得活高铁啦作者: pak 时间: 2010-3-2 20:54:35