如果你没工作而且有孩子,你们的家庭收入一共才1000,可以拿个70~80 working for family credit;如果你是残疾人,可以申请残障补助;如果你们房租比较高,可以申请房补;如果你是学生,可以尝试申请学生津贴。所有这些的前提是你们俩已经pr,特别是学生津贴,要求你pr过两年作者: 呼啸寒风 时间: 2010-3-7 19:44:28
In relations to the above, I just obtained my PR last month, my weekly and my hubby's wages was about 1200, I have 2 kids, can we apply for kids' 奶粉钱? But they are 13 and 8. >_<"作者: kiwi 时间: 2010-3-10 21:26:58