Section C Partner’s and children’s personal details
Only people included in the original residence application may be listed here. If your partner or children were not included
in your residence application they must apply for a residence visa once your RRV application has been processed.
C1 Partner
Family/last name Given/first name(s)
Date of birth
Passport number Expiry date D D M M Y Y Y Y
Country Relationship to applicant
C2 Dependent child one
Family/last name Given/first name(s)
Date of birth
Passport number Expiry date D D M M Y Y Y Y
Country Relationship to applicant
C3 Dependent child two
Family/last name Given/first name(s)
Date of birth
Passport number Expiry date D D M M Y Y Y Y
C4 Dependent child three
Family/last name Given/first name(s)
Date of birth
Passport number Expiry date D D M M Y Y Y Y
Country Relationship to applicant
Continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary.
C5 List your immediate family (ie your partner, children, parents and siblings) not included in this application.
Full name
Date of birth
Country currently
residing in
Nationality Relationship to applicant作者: 叫我烦烦 时间: 2010-3-12 20:20:30