高兴就多陪陪,不高兴就说服自己多陪陪。人家养了20多年的大小子现在归你支配了,总该拿点回报了吧。作者: maha 时间: 2010-4-13 08:14:53
Don't feel awkward, smile and smile, be in her shoes, make her feel welcome, but don't laugh too much, otherwise she might think you are laughing at her, and she won't tell you.
Do housework, don't be lazy, ask her what she likes to eat etc.
Talk about her family, her son's childhood, her childhood. Does she have any hobbies? Something you could do together? Like knitting, sewing? Make somethiing for your baby?
Communication is the key, she probably thinks the same way as you, and she doesn't know how to live with a daughter-in-law for long time. If you are not happy with her about something, talk to her directly, don't tell your husband, it will make him feel bad, because he loves you both, and of course wants to two spend quality time and know each other well.作者: wangnan8043 时间: 2010-4-13 09:05:58
一言难尽,我这人话不多(其实是没共同语言).嘴巴更不甜,干活一般。在家里和她一起照顾孩子差不多也8个来月,该聊的不该聊的都聊过了,实在.......现在赶紧跟着LG去店里上班,感觉好了很多。平时老人家说了你不愿听的或不好听的,我都一笑而过了,我现在彻底对她没脾气了。遇到什么我就忍。作者: along 时间: 2010-4-14 20:49:36