急,老婆申请旅游签,不过怀孕了(人在中国),今天移民官电话说要把medical certificate 拿到 medical assessor 那里做评估。但是A4.65.5 不是说可以要medical waver吗? 现在该怎么办啊?这个medical waver怎么申请啊。。谢谢。。。我是pr
Applicants intending to give birth in New ZealandApplicants for temporary entry may be considered for the grant of a medical waiver by a visa or immigration officer with schedule 1 delegations without referring the matter to an Immigration New Zealand medical assessor
if:they have been assessed as not having an acceptable standard of health on the sole basis that they intend to give birth in New Zealand;
andthey are the partner of a New Zealand citizen or resident;
or their partner, are applying for a work to residence visa or permit that is equal or greater than 24 months duration or is equal or greater than 24 months duration in combination with any visas or permits previously held.作者: 亚太Immigration 时间: 2010-6-3 18:08:54
收到co电话了, 说 medical waiver 要等到拿到 MA 的回复 后才可以申请(要1个半月)。 这是程序需要。晕。 是不是有这条规定啊????
“Applicants who intend to give birth in New Zealand are not considered to have an acceptable standard of health as it is likely they will impose significant costs or demands on New Zealand's health services.”
上面那句不是已经说了怀孕不是 acceptable standard of health 吗? 干嘛还要去拿给MA啊?