
标题: Employer seeks or receives premium, 中文说法叫“买Job Offer” [打印本页]

作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-6-25 01:08:42     标题: Employer seeks or receives premium, 中文说法叫“买Job Offer”

本帖最后由 CNGBA 于 2010-6-25 11:03 编辑


Wages Protection Act 1983:

Section 12. A

No premium to be charged for employment

作者: 选择新西兰    时间: 2010-6-25 11:44:44

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作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-6-25 12:27:53

无过 发表于 2010-6-25 09:10

我和移民局就这个问题专门联系过。移民局Border Security Group 的Group Manager 专门给我回了信,就我提出的问题给了明确的答复:

Whant kind of penalty can be imposed on employers who fraudulenty state prospective immigrants are employed when in fact the prospective immigrants are "paying for their employment" and the employers also make profits by selling jobs to prospective immigrants

Any person who provides false or misleading information to an Immigration Officer commits an offence under sections 142 (1)(a) or 142(1)(c) of the Immigration Act 1987. The maximum penalty for an offence under section 142(1)(a) is a fine not exceeding $2000 (sectioon 142(2)).  The maximum penalty for an offence under
secion 142(1)(c) of the Act is a fine of up to $100,000 and /or seven years imprisionment(section 144(1))

May 问:
If a migrant steps forward to help NZ  Immigration Service to prosecute the employers, will they be prosecuted as well. What kind of penalty will be imposed on these employees?

The Department would consider each person's individual circumstances on a case-by-case basis before decidiing if it is appropriate to seek immunity from prosecution.

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