I think it depends on what kind of rental agreement you (or your agent) signed with this tenant(s). You'll be doomed if it's a fixed term, it will be easier if you're on a periodic.
If your English is good enough (sorry I'm just trying to be straighforward), call the Department Of Building (DBH)and Housing for help. 0800 tenant. Here's a link for some general information for renting under the DBH website. Choose the chinese version and have a look, it is free: http://www.dbh.govt.nz/pub-tenancy-generalinfo#map3
Good luck with solving your tenancy issue! :)
作者: jimianjoy 时间: 2010-7-8 14:42:13
合同上写得很清楚作者: 彩虹糖 时间: 2010-7-8 14:53:53
卖房的话,降价10%左右的房租是一个合理的要求。毕竟人家付了租金,有权利要求不被人打扰。you can't have your cake and eat it too. 就算上到tenancy tribunal也是这么说。除非你每次看房都给租客48小时以上的书面通知。
如果看的次数不多,不做open home,好的租客是不会要求降价的。给他点小好处,每个星期少$15块,你可以要求他把屋子收拾干净。价格卖得好点,比一个星期少$15强多了!作者: jennywang 时间: 2010-7-8 15:37:41