套頭外我有用過p45-200, Olympus 14-42, leica45mm macro , Olympus 9-18有些是朋友交換玩玩的。忙了還有那olympus 17mm pancake
高iso絕對是nex強,我同意,所以如果你買相机是為了晚上手持拍夜景,那一定買nex好了。但gf1起碼built-in flash比nex的screw-in要補一點光時方面多了。
如果你覺得我說的只是個人非專業意見,那你去看看dpreview, digitalrev等等的review
"nex does pretty well in this (autofocus) respect , it's perhaps not quote as rapid as panasonic's micro four thirds cameras but it's very unusual for there to be enough of a delay that it becomes noticeable "
"in very low light the af slows down by a fair degree, even if the subject is within range of it's autofocus illuminator"
"continuous af can also be a weak point ............ The nex is much like the competition on this regard you can't expect it to keep up with unpredictably moving objects such as small children"
"作者: qingyang 时间: 2010-8-27 23:14:41