Guys, read it again carefully. It is pretty clear that tax is only subject to products which will stay in China.
MR2(SW20) 发表于 2010-10-29 09:37
your understanding is unfortunately 100% correct. What happens to 'gifts' that were brought back to friends & families from overseas? Those 'gifts' are considered to remain in China... In comparison, "非居民旅客携带拟留在中国境内的个人自用进境物品,总值在2000元人民币以内(含2000元)的,海关予以免税放行" Hence, non resident can bring in as many 'gifts' as they wish, as long as those 'gifts' are not for personal use. Did I read that careful enough? 作者: purplefog 时间: 2010-10-29 10:59:04