如果你有本地学历和找到了与学历相关联的工作,under study to work policy很容易就可以获得至少2年的正式工签。
不过呢,毕业后先用1年的open工签,然后再申请2年的正式工签是明智的做法,可以利用这一年的open工签去找对口的工作。作者: starmovie 时间: 2010-11-6 11:21:40
今天给移民局发邮件问谁是我的co , 它们几个小时后就回信了 “ Your application has not yet been allocated to a case officer. There is no specific timeframe in which we expect it to be allocated, although the total processing time for the application is expected to be approximately 270 days.”