Despite the popular image of Asian immigrants as relatively wealthy, this is far from the case when particular groups are considered. Many Hong Kong Chinese, Taiwanese and Koreans, for example, were unemployed following their arrival in New Zealand, and many moved into self-employment because they could not find suitable jobs. A large number of Asians resident in New Zealand at any time are students, and others are low-paid casual workers or in small family businesses. This in part explains their very low median income in 2006 of $14,500 (compared with $20,500 for Pacific people, $20,900 for Māori and $25,400 for Europeans). In 2006, 27.6% of the Asian population earned under $5,000, compared with 12.1% for the whole population, 13.9% for Māori and 17.2% for Pacific people. Asians were not even very well represented among the rich in 2006. While 16.2% of the total population earned over $50,000, only 9.2% of the Asian community did so.