cannot submit my order
love_3_month 发表于 2011-7-11 09:16
那太可惜了。。。作者: taomibaobao 时间: 2011-7-11 10:25:27
even you checked out, I dont think you can actually get it.作者: victordd 时间: 2011-7-11 10:37:36
网站维护了。。。作者: masterq 时间: 2011-7-11 10:40:36
cannot submit my order
{:7_380:}{:7_380:}作者: 无耻男 时间: 2011-7-11 10:57:19
We are currently undertaking maintenance on the Dick Smith website to improve your shopping experience. Please try visiting again later.
If you have an urgent enquiry, contact our Customer Service team on 0800 373 347 (8.30am - 4pm Monday to Friday NZST) or visit your local Dick Smith store作者: 马小哈 时间: 2011-7-11 11:20:42
We are currently undertaking maintenance on the Dick Smith website to improve your shopping experience. Please try visiting again later.作者: purplefog 时间: 2011-7-11 12:01:54
One member posted: "I have successfully submitted an order for a 40" TV and an iPhone, all for the sum of $4.95 delivery which went through on my credit card."作者: PhoneCareLtd 时间: 2011-7-11 12:45:41
One member posted: "I have successfully submitted an order for a 40" TV and an iPhone, all for the sum of $4.95 delivery which went through on my credit card."作者: 草莓果果 时间: 2011-7-11 12:47:13
The site has now been taken offline for maintenance and Dick Smith has issued a tweet, saying it will be in contact with people who have placed orders "to confirm cancellation or whether you would like the items at their correct pricing".作者: 漂流大陆 时间: 2011-7-11 12:57:38
"For orders placed we will be in contact with you to confirm cancellation or whether you would like the items at their correct pricing."作者: masterq 时间: 2011-7-11 15:11:08
作者: BabyG 时间: 2011-7-11 15:18:59
我覺得應該出貨, 反正就兩個客人吧? 如果多也就算了。。
DICK SMITH大方一點, 就當幫他們店做下宣傳也不錯啦作者: tim.boom 时间: 2011-7-11 22:08:49
DICK..............作者: MVC3 时间: 2011-7-11 22:21:46
一个人买了个ipad2,之后老婆嫌贵发飙,他邮寄回去退,里面加了个纸条 "wife said no"
结过apple 给邮寄回来,也加了纸条"Apple said yes",就这么送给他了作者: 水木一树 时间: 2011-7-12 16:14:21