出offer时记得填deposit那栏目时要payable upon unconditional,而不是acceptance。
发送自我的iPhone天维网应用。作者: LEEHUG 时间: 2011-8-7 11:45:10
出offer时记得填deposit那栏目时要payable upon unconditional,而不是acceptance。
阿海 发表于 2011-8-7 07:39
谢版主指点,不幸的是我已经upon acceptance交了deposit了.这就算了.我想再请问所谓的 'subject to finance' - is it just the Finance date which the real estate will suggest such as 5 or 7 working days that's written down on the front page of the agreement? So if I can't get a loan for no matter what reason from the bank, I can get my deposit back?作者: 网络毛毛虫 时间: 2011-8-7 17:05:00