be transferred by a foreign exchange company to New Zealand through the banking
system. Immigration officers may not accept the transferred funds if the applicant
cannot provide satisfactory evidence of the following:
the nominated funds have been transferred to the foreign exchange company
directly from the applicant’s bank account(s); and
the nominated funds have been transferred through a foreign exchange company
in a way that is not contrary to laws of New Zealand; and
the nominated funds transferred are traceable; and
cash transactions were not made; and
the foreign exchange company is not suspected of, or proven to have committed,
fraudulent activity or financial impropriety in any country it operates from or in.
也可以走正规的 外汇公司
不过条件挺多的作者: 凍檸賓BN 时间: 2012-7-29 22:51:28
子女可以办理 赠与 给申请人, 不过也要证明财产的合法性
e. The principal applicant may only nominate funds or assets that they earned or acquired
legally, including funds and/or assets which have been gifted to them unconditionally
and in accordance with local law (also see F4.5.25). Where nominated funds or assets
have been gifted to the principal applicant an immigration officer must be satisfied that the funds or assets being gifted were earned lawfully by the person(s) gifting the funds
or assets.作者: celiayu 时间: 2012-7-30 17:14:50