想买一栋房子,LIM发现问题,上面写:The site is potencially at risk of flooding during heavy rainfall events. The extent of this flooded area is shown in the opanuku/oratia streams catchment Flood Plain Mapping Report dated March 2007. The floodi plain area has been determinted after detailed hydraulic and modelling of the stormwater system. Council holds the flood mapping report giving detailed flood maps and flood levels in this area. any proposed develoment on this site may require a detailed flood risk report to be completed by a qualified drainage engineer. this will confirm the extent of the flood risk and action required. Proposed development Must have regard for established flood levels and the need to ensure that flood plains and flow paths are not impeded.
这房子能买吗,以后分割或者加建是不是会有问题,因为这个房子地大,买来就是想分割了卖的作者: yax 时间: 2013-8-26 14:57:57