Tier one of the Parent Category allows people who are parents of New Zealand residents or citizens, and who have access to sufficient funds, to apply for residence in New Zealand.
Applicants under tier one must meet one of the following criteria.
Sponsor’s income
Guaranteed lifetime minimum income
Settlement funds.
Sponsor’s income
To meet the minimum income requirements your sponsor or their partner must earn a minimum of NZ$65,000 per annum. Alternatively, your sponsor and their partner can earn a combined income of NZ$90,000 per annum.
The minimum income requirement can be met through any one or a combination of the following sources of personal income:
Sustained paid employment
Regular self-employment
Regular investment income.
Evidence of meeting the minimum income requirement
Evidence of meeting the minimum income requirement for sponsors may include, original or certified copies of the following documents:
An Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings
Wage slips
A current employment contract
Bank statements or any other documents from financial institutions.作者: purpleapple 时间: 2013-11-28 14:25:11