Does a trader have to sell goods at the displayed price?
No, a trader doesn’t have to sell goods at the displayed price if the price is wrong. But if a trader displays or advertises goods at the wrong price, they may be breaking the Fair Trading Act by misleading consumers about the true price of goods.
如果你之前listing中商品的价格是899,顾客很明显的知道你的价格会在这个区间(不存在误导行为)。后来顾客一再加价的行为也说明,顾客很清楚这个商品的价值远远高于‘28元’。It's a shame that the client was aware of the wrong price and decided to take advance of it. 任何act in good faith的顾客都应该在这种时候对价格提出质疑,而不是威胁卖家按照明显出错的价格出售商品。
把我写的话翻译成英文发给这个无理取闹的顾客,请他告到法庭上去。审判结果是公开的,让大家都可以看到这个想占便宜的顾客的名字以及他的可耻行为。作者: NASA 时间: 2013-12-20 14:01:45
ROYO 发表于 2013-12-17 14:34
找个理由不卖。就说out of stock,或者刚发现list的这个产品有严重缺陷,取消交易。写个道歉信就可以了
We can do $700 lowest. Or we pay you double traded price $56 to make it up. Otherwise It is up to you.
Because the traded price is $28,if we broke this trade,the law will do according to the traded price,as we have asked lawyer's ideal for this. But we would like to solve it personally without any time to waste.
We are waiting for your kind apology during this Christmas season and accept the deal. It is worth,everyone want to be a peaceful time.
We can do $700 lowest. Or we pay you double traded price $56 to make it up. Otherwise It is up to you.
Because the traded price is $28,if we broke this trade,the law will do according to the traded price,as we have asked lawyer's ideal for this. But we would like to solve it personally without any time to waste.
We are waiting for your kind apology during this Christmas season and accept the deal. It is worth,everyone want to be a peaceful time.
We can do $700 lowest. Or we pay you double traded price $56 to make it up. Otherwise It is up to you.
Because the traded price is $28,if we broke this trade,the law will do according to the traded price,as we have asked lawyer's ideal for this. But we would like to solve it personally without any time to waste.
We are waiting for your kind apology during this Christmas season and accept the deal. It is worth,everyone want to be a peaceful time.