我的男朋友是新西兰人,之前成功担保过两个前女友拿到work visa under partnership,其中一个还由他成功担保拿到residency,应该是五年前了,请问这样的情况下,他还可以担保我的work visa under partnership和residency吗?这对我们很重要,谢谢啊!!!作者: 宋颂 时间: 2014-1-10 08:11:24
政策好像没改吧? http://www.immigration.govt.nz/m ... uired/nzpartner.htm
has not been included as a partner in or supported more than one previous application where a residence class visa was granted on the basis of partnership, and
has not been included as a partner in or supported an application where a residence class visa was granted on the basis of partnership in the five years immediately preceding the date the current application is made, and
配偶工签属于Work Class Visa,不是Residence Class Visa
我觉得楼主的男友可以担保楼主,不过等楼主跑了,就再也不能担保下一位了作者: Hui1030 时间: 2014-1-11 04:17:39
高飞 发表于 2014-1-10 20:43
http://www.immigration.govt.nz/m ... uired/nzpartner.htm
has not been included ...