才念了两个月的书,成绩很好。还有八个月才念完。念完后是会有 graduate job search visa. 因为念的是 postgraduate diploma in IT ,长期短缺工种。level 8
但是,想找工减轻经济压力。安排了两个星期后面试(已经通过 round 1 technical test)。Permanent Full Time Senior Programmer.
我想问,如果现在拿到洋人公司 job offer ,从学签转去工签会被刁难吗?我想转工签的时候也寻求雇主同意我用个人时间 part time distance learning study 完成我的 postgraduate diploma in IT 。 需要 variation of conditions 吗?作者: ken454 时间: 2014-4-17 09:34:50
还没 offer 。现在只是通过了 technical interview 。下个星期去 face to face interview 。
offer 的话就是 permanent full time 了。
我是怕申请 work visa 失败的话会有不良记录,影响以后申请 PR作者: purpleapple 时间: 2014-4-20 22:00:51
swiss_dragon 发表于 2014-4-20 20:57
还没 offer 。现在只是通过了 technical interview 。下个星期去 face to face interview 。
offer 的话 ...
U2.5 When a student visa is not required
See also Immigration Act 2009 s 4
A student visa or variation of conditions is not required:
(a) for work visa holders to undertake any programme of study, or other training, authorised by their employer as part of their employment;作者: swiss_dragon 时间: 2014-5-2 08:05:20
根据这个 http://www.immigration.co.nz/imm ... t-meant-be-lottery/
可以的话,尽量避开 Queenstreet Branch --> One application was processed in Auckland Central Branch and the other in Henderson Branch作者: kakarotmj527 时间: 2014-5-5 02:57:27