tool insurance,its sum insured is $8500,exce is $300,annual cost is about $420. Each cleaner的工具价值不等,多数人去除折旧价值不足$1000,some cleaners have polisher工具总价值大约$2500,但强制大家买价值over$8000的tool insurance, 是强盗在抢我们的钱。
accident and disability insurance,我们每年交ACC 相关费用over $1000,cleaners的工作没有能够受伤到丧失劳动能力的程度,这样的概率太低太低,就是发生了重伤残疾也有ACC负责,不能强迫我们买额外的保险,its annual cost at about $700-800 且随年龄增长每年cost也会上涨。
2. area manager should reduce the amount of loyalty fees that cleaners pay you by the cost of the insurance. that's to say area manager pay for insurance if he wants to keep own power.
3. area manager give each cleaner extra $200/week job warranty if we are asked to buy the two insurance.
4. 允许个人决定保险价值,按比例降低保费支出。比如我的工具大约总价值1000纽币,那我仅仅申报tools sum insured is $1000, annual cost 按比例降为at about $50; income protect sum insured, 允许我申报$100, or $200/week, annual cost 按比例下降。如果让我们必须按规定的SUM INSURED AND ANNUAL COST,那就是强盗在强我们的钱。
1. loyalty fee is 12.5% plus GST, BUT our income is $1000/$1200 include GST;