八月份,租车去turoa 滑雪,当天雪很厚, 需要在上山之前由雪山那边的人给车轮安装链条,当时我们的车子被一个技术很不熟练的工人给装了链条。结果车子装上链条以后走了一阵子就听到链条打轮子的声音,停车查看发现 链条装的不好 已经在半路断掉 , 当时因为泥土跟雪沾在车子上,我们没有发现车子被链条刮掉漆。 回家给出租公司还车时候,公司发现车子受损,需要赔偿。我们联系雪山,那边的保险公司拒绝赔偿,原因说我们驾驶不当,另外他们咬定出租链条时候所给收据背后的条款已经说明他们不负责。那个收据背面内容如下:all due care has been taken in the fitting of chains, but ruapehu alpine lifts or its employees can not be held responsible for chain breakage or damage to a vehicle, for whatever reason including improper driving and suggested improper fitting.
想请问给位大侠,这种情况,我们如果把这家霸王公司告上法庭,胜诉机会怎么样。谢谢各位了。确实是他们的工人技术不过关造成的一系列后果,结果他们完全不负责。也算是给大伙提个醒了,以后去滑雪,一定多加小心这家公司。出去玩也长姿势了。唉作者: 蛋挞挞 时间: 2014-9-3 15:31:57
28Guarantee as to reasonable care and skill
Subject to section 41, where services are supplied to a consumer there is a guarantee that the service will be carried out with reasonable care and skill.
43No contracting out except for business transactions
(1)Subject to this section and to sections 40, 41, and 43A, the provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in any agreement.