如果父母去年拿的是普通签證,现在可以申请 "父母 3 年多次往返旅遊签"。这种签证须在海外申请
To be granted a visa under these instructions applicants must lodge an application for a visitor visa from outside New Zealand
另外,他们以3 年多次往返旅遊签留在新西兰的时间是 3 年内最多 18 个月 (每次停留不多于 6 个月)
... applicants who are approved under these instructions may be granted a 3-year multiple entry visitor visa, allowing visits of 6 months from each date of arrival
... applicants are limited to a maximum stay in New Zealand of 18 months in total during the currency of the visa.作者: alexma527 时间: 2017-10-4 17:09:57