梧村距新田县城13公里,距新圩镇政府2公里,下辖上梧村、下梧村、大姑洲3个自然村,全村309户1208人,2014年,农民人均纯收入仅为1160元,是新田县出了名的贫困村。 农田水利设施滞后、土地利用率低,农业结构单一、管理粗放,效益不高,村民思想观念落后,整体文化素质不高……这些都是导致梧村贫困的复杂原因。
Wu village, 13 km from Xintin Town and 2 km from the government of Xinwei County, near Shangwu Village, Xiawu Village and Daguzhou Village, has the population of 1208 persons from 309 families. In 2014, the per capita net income of farmers was only 1160 Yuan, and Xintian Town was known as its poverty with its obsolete irrigation facilities, lower utilization of land and unitary agriculture with careless management, low production efficiency and lower educated villagers. All above were the complex causes of poverty in Wu Village.
梧村发展特色养殖,还在积极发展富硒水稻种植,建成了100亩的富硒水稻种植基地, 村民又重拾了水稻种植的信心,荒田得到了大面积的开垦,生态蔬菜基地也孕育而生。
Under the help of the work team of poverty alleviation, Wu Village has developed featured breeding industry along with active development of selenium-rich rice planting of a 100-acre farming base. Villagers regained the confidence of rice planting,and the desolate fields turned to fertile fields as ecological vegetable bases.
工作队注资以村委名义为15户贫困户种植了20亩金槐, 销售收入70%分配给贫困户,30%用作生产管理费用,预计到2019年,收入能达到8万左右。
The work team of poverty alleviation capitalized for 20 acres of Vaniot for 15 poor families on behalf of Wu village committee.70% of the sales revenue allocated to the poor, 30% to the management of the production. It is estimated that revenues may reach to 80,000 Yuan by 2019.
"To fostering education and industries for the people’s content," is key point for the poverty alleviation in Wu Village supported by Hunan Publishing Investment Holding Group Co.,Ltd. With the poverty relief work, the per capita annual net income of local farmers raised from 1160 Yuan to 4000 Yuan in by the end of 2014 .
Original link: 新田梧村:扶文化、扶人心、扶产业
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