reminds me of a cocksucked expierence when i was in基督城2015年夏天the security alarm was beeping once a few分钟for some sorta unknown shit然后我really忍不了了coz the alarm is set right nearby my卧室very annoying于是我尝试fix it by totally removing this motherfucking beeping object 然后我started to dismount it with a screwdriver正当螺丝got loose a bit suddenly the entire unit started beeping EXTREMELY LOUD as a result my ears got almost fucked up然后我害怕极了于是赶紧把螺丝tied back up然后过了few seconds the house stopped beeping 所以我觉的some of these kinda stuff are too sensitive and unpredictable so 我建议lz better grab an expert to deal with it rather then attempting to修理它yourself.作者: beatles 时间: 2017-6-30 10:09:21
wudidzwj 发表于 2017-6-30 08:57
reminds me of a cocksucked expierence when i was in基督城2015年夏天the security alarm was beeping on ...