
标题: 没有人关注一下机会党么? [打印本页]

作者: Tomm    时间: 2017-9-26 17:40:04     标题: 没有人关注一下机会党么?

2016年11月份由新西兰知名经济学家和慈善家Gareth Morgan成立的机会党,在这次选举已经开出的选票中获得了2.2%,计48000余张选票。成立不到一年的新的党,比毛利党和行动党两老党加起来的选票都多,不值得大家关注一下么?

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2017-9-26 17:42:26

作者: angelee123    时间: 2017-9-26 17:44:29

作者: Tomm    时间: 2017-9-26 17:58:49


1. Tax Reform:
TOP intends to slash the tax rates on salaries and wages, and ask the owners of assets to pay more. The result is a fairer tax system.

2. Smarter Immigration:
The TOP test for migrants is: if you can improve our standard of living we welcome you. If not, thanks but no thanks.

3. Our Environment:
We should leave the environment for our descendants in no worse shape than we inherited it – and preferably in better shape.

4. Democracy Reset:
The strength of our democracy is eroding, we need to restore full public participation.

5. Education for Life:
We need to prepare our children for the 21st Century, but we still have a 20th Century education system.

6. Climate Change Action:
If we are smart, we can implement a climate change action policy in a way that makes us better off.

7. Thriving Families and UBI:
We'll invest in the next generation and get the richest ¼ of elderly to pay for it.

8. Cannabis Reform:
We want to legalise and regulate cannabis to reduce the harm it causes

9. Clear Water Action:
Polluters and commercial water users should pay, so that the rest of us can play in our fresh water.

10. Alcohol Reform:
Reducing overall harm caused by alcohol to both individuals and society

11. Youth to Adult UBI:
People starting out in adult life need support to help them reach their potential.

12. Reform of the Tenancy Act:
Decent housing, regardless of whether you rent or own.

13. Positive Justice Policy:
Prison isn’t the solution - If it were, we would know by now.

14. Better Business Policy:
Boosting business through tax reform.

15. Preventative Health Care:
Putting a stop sign on the road to obesity
作者: ETA_Wai    时间: 2017-9-26 18:01:58

本帖最后由 ETA_Wai 于 2017-9-26 17:03 编辑

他是瘦的KIM DOTCOM, 这人身斜影更斜说的那些东西都是废话没句是真的

作者: Tomm    时间: 2017-9-26 18:03:38

Gareth Morgan新西兰10%富人的代表,承认新西兰的税制对工薪阶层不公平,富人很少交税,而工薪每刀收入要打税。主张改革税制,让财产拥有者多缴赋税。。。。。。
作者: 狂奔的蜗牛!!!    时间: 2017-9-26 18:07:56


owners of assets to pay more,不太符合新西兰的现状了。
作者: ETA_Wai    时间: 2017-9-26 18:09:27

狗一下Awaroa Beach就知道他真正的人品了
作者: angelee123    时间: 2017-9-26 18:09:50

Tomm 发表于 2017-9-26 16:58

1. Tax Reform:

作者: Tomm    时间: 2017-9-26 18:14:15



作者: angelee123    时间: 2017-9-26 18:25:02

Tomm 发表于 2017-9-26 17:14
我的观点还是,新西兰贫富悬殊太大了,需要找到从10%富人那里课税的办法,去平衡极贫困的那部分人口,减 ...

你应该在来个图,比如distribution of nz wealth by local or overseas,我觉得可能会更吃惊
作者: masterq    时间: 2017-9-26 18:25:25

NewLynnHse 发表于 2017-9-26 16:42

作者: angelee123    时间: 2017-9-26 18:26:33

就比如,多少asset是owned by local,or overseas personal, company, trust.......
作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2017-9-26 18:35:53

Tomm 发表于 2017-9-26 17:14
我的观点还是,新西兰贫富悬殊太大了,需要找到从10%富人那里课税的办法,去平衡极贫困的那部分人口,减 ...

  NZ 10%的人拥抱50%的财富,中间的50%的人就已经拥有47%的财富了。已经挺公平的啦。

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