Regional Development (Provincial Growth) Fund(政府主导,开发农村,款都拨了,总得有人去领吧)
Significant investment in regional rail (乡下大修铁路,虽然不知道经济效益)
Re-establish the New Zealand Forestry Service, and planting 100 million trees per year(新的政府机构和植树计划)
Re-establish the Mental Health Commission (新的委员会)
Establish a Housing Commission (又是新的委员会)
Establish a Criminal Cases Review Commission (再来一个委员会!)
Introduce independent Climate Commission (这TM是第几个新的Commission了??)
A funding increase to Biosecurity NZ(还是政府经费增加多雇人手)
More funding for the Department of Conservation (保育部也有钱雇人涨工资了)
Increase penalties for corporate fraud and tax evasion (IRD的工作你懂的)
Create a comprehensive register of foreign-owned land and housing (增加行政工作量,不雇人怎么监管)
Pilot counsellors in primary schools, free driver training for all secondary school students, restart Te Kotahitanga teacher professional development (又是公家拨款的项目,驾校发了?)
Work towards 1800 new police officers over three years, increase funding for Community Law Centres (公家不差钱!)
More funding for Women's Refuge and Shakti, pilot a Youth Education, Training and Employment programme and provide 800 extra places for the LSV scheme, introduce Ready for Work programmes (这些吃政府的机构和计划参与人今晚睡觉也能笑醒)