标题: Chorus 在我家地方安裝 Fibre [打印本页]
作者: RDA 时间: 2018-6-7 19:04:43 标题: Chorus 在我家地方安裝 Fibre
Chorus 之前有來過一封信告知鄰居要裝 Fibre , 我已回覆說過"拒絕讓鄰居裝 Fibre" ( 我家是 cross lease unit) , 後來 Chours 又來一封信告知說他們可以用"系統升級為由, 無須屋主同意就可以進場安裝", 目前 Chorus 已拆除在我家後院的線, 但強調說, 我鄰居家的後院的 Fibre 線是有權利可以裝, 因為鄰居有申請安裝 Fibre, 因此Chorus 可以不用我的同意進入安裝並回信我說如下:In October last year there was a change in law which means that Chorus do not necessarily require consent from all parties for certain jobs.
The proposed design for your cross-lease Multi Dwelling Unit fell under a Category 1. This means we do not require consent from all owners as it is a low impact job on shared land.
The Telecommunications (Property Access) Regulations 2017 are very clear about the circumstances an owner can apply to stop the work from happening. The Government has attempted a balance between simplifying the consent process while still respecting the rights of property owners.
The Regulations state that objections can only be made on the following grounds:
1. Property ownership is disputed
2. You can prove the work will materially decrease the value of your property
3. Impact on your enjoyment of the property (does not include visual impact)
4. You can prove that there are plans for future development of the area and our work will either impact or limit your ability to do this
5. On-going impact on existing easements over the property
我想請問律師, 現在 NZ 真有這一條法律說 Chorus 可以隨意進入我家園安裝 Fibre 而不用屋主同意嗎?
作者: u215771 时间: 2018-6-7 20:34:57
1. Property ownership is disputed
2. You can prove the work will materially decrease the value of your property
3. Impact on your enjoyment of the property (does not include visual impact)
4. You can prove that there are plans for future development of the area and our work will either impact or limit your ability to do this
5. On-going impact on existing easements over the property
作者: adsl2 时间: 2018-6-7 20:53:56
作者: adsl2 时间: 2018-6-7 20:57:20
作者: songinator 时间: 2018-6-8 11:53:34
作者: RDA 时间: 2018-6-8 18:57:22
songinator 发表于 2018-6-8 10:53
一塊地二家 Share,
鄰居是"穆斯林", 起初人也 OK, 後來常有些怪怪的行為如不準我和其它人和他老婆講話, 對看, 但她老婆停車技術又不太好, 常常過界擋到車道, 當然只好跟當事人溝通. 男的又兇不太講理的.
作者: adsl2 时间: 2018-6-8 19:19:44
线是接到你家里吗?crosslease也有exclusive area吧,不能不经过你的同意就把线接进你家里吧
作者: anyang_lee 时间: 2018-6-8 20:57:30
作者: allench 时间: 2018-6-8 22:08:56
本帖最后由 allench 于 2018-6-8 21:10 编辑
如果你的院子是fully fenced就更好了,放一只狗在里面,肯定没人敢进去。
作者: newbases 时间: 2018-11-14 12:40:34
其实这与邻居没啥关系,问题是share drive way 的fibre cable 可能有隐患,不如我这里有四户用一个车道,进去后每两户再共用半个车道,类似“丫”型车道。如果只有一户申请了光缆,那另外包住的三个接口会随着时间经暴晒雨淋狗咬等等因素产生泄漏等等,对邻居的生活或许造成心里阴影。有的施工完毕没有完全恢复原样,有的邻居自己不要fibre 又不想面对这些潜在的麻烦,也是有的
作者: 先森表酱紫嘛 时间: 2018-11-14 13:05:13
作者: 游客 时间: 2018-11-14 13:19:21
先森表酱紫嘛 发表于 2018-11-14 12:05
作者: beatles 时间: 2018-11-14 17:24:12
先森表酱紫嘛 发表于 2018-11-14 12:05
作者: 年糕 时间: 2018-11-28 15:49:15
现在fiber比vdsl还便宜。趁着现在可以免费装就装了吧,自己也可以趁这个时候换个便宜的plan 。
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