一共考了2次,第一次是信心满满去的,因为之前看过论坛里的所有sockburn路试分享,各种路线都练习至少3遍。但最终折在too slow和gap selection上。第一个critical error too slow是从symes左转到main south rd之后限速由50变为60,应该加速上去,我没有。后来参看test guide原文如下:
the applicant travels at 10km/h or more below the speed limit and following traffic is
inconvenienced, unless road or traffic conditions make it unsafe to travel closer to the speed limit
第二个critical error gap selection是在回程main south右转进入symes rd,对面是桥,有很多车下冲。我停了很长时间没有找到空档。这和我平时驾驶习惯有关,到新西兰后基本上give way很谨慎,因为觉得老外开车很快。考试也是求稳的心态。后来参看test guide,原文:
when turning right at traffic signals (and there are no other vehicles already waiting in the
intersection to turn) the applicant does not move forward to wait in the intersection for a safe gap
in the oncoming traffic