本来 我的学生签证是31/07/2008到期的,我28/07/2008递的OPEN工签。30号收到E-MAIL(New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS) Online Enquiry);31号收到短信说(28/07/2008 收到我的申请,还给了一个申请号)网上也显示了申请 PENDING。因为没有交体检的东西,所以01/08/2008(信上的日期)被递回来了,04/08/2008早上收到退回的东西。4号当天去体检了,7号弄完,下午去移民局递了。移民局13/08收的钱,($260 Manukau Brabnch收的) 网上的Full Medical也变了 Date Received 14/08/2008 Status Received,网上没显示我的 OPEN工签申请。E-MAIL 电话 什么都没接到。
以前,学生签都是中介和学校办的。2006年的时候,在学校办的学生签证 体检没交,后来补交了,就没事了。6月刚毕业,我的OPEN是自己办的,退回来以为没什么事。07/08第二次递完申请后,一共打了3次(每周一次)电话去CALL CNETRE,那的人开始说35A,我也没太注意,只听到它们说 我的签证不知什么时候能批; 问要不要补交什么材料,说不用,我只能等。今晚 在移民局网上查了35A,(For a temporary permit granted under section 35A of the Act)才知道自己黑在这里了。
Immigration officer
Applications for a work permit for:
Applicant: ******* Date of Birth: ######
Application Number: ######
Client Number: ######
Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for your letter dated 04 August 2008.
I acknowledge the concern you have raised in the letter, for my incomplete application; and wish to make the following comment in respect of the application.
This is first time I applied for work permit, I completed the form and prepared supporting document by myself. I usually ask a friends or a consultant; or staff of International Student Centre (Lincoln University) to assist me to complete the Application Forms, and submitted the application by them. Because unfamiliar with the procedures about the Health Requirements, so I haven’t provided the Medical and X-ray Certificate at the application.
On the other hand, I should have submitted the application 2 or 3 weeks ahead, before the current Permit Expire. But during that time, I was busy with looking rental flat (see the Receipt of Rent) and applying for residence in New Zealand (Expression of Interest Number: #####). Which caused delay the application for work permit, which you received on 28 July 2008.
I am regret for what I did wrong, and trying to make up for. I have had my medical examination immediately, when I received your letter on 04 August 2008, and get the blood test and X-ray done on the following day. I met the doctor on 07 August 2008 for doctor to sing the Medical and X-ray Certificate, and submitted Application again at INZ Auckland Central Branch with Passport, Application Form, Bank Statement, Supporting Document and Medical and X-Ray Certificate.
I did not respond to your letter in time, because I think my application will process as normal, when I re-submit it. Since last night, I find out the document of (SECTION (s.)35A - IMMIGRATION ACT 1987) from your website. I think I need write to you, and explain the reasons of incomplete application.
I would appreciate it that you take the above into consideration and re-assess my application. I thank you in advance for your time and attention.
If you have any queries regarding this application, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
The Applicant
*** New North Road
Mt Albert Auckland
E-Mail: **********
Ph :( 09)####### Mob: #########