The competition will kick off on the Thursday the 18th of September between 5:30 and 8:30pm, It means we have 2 weeks to gather as many mates to form as many teams as we can!
The format of the games are as follows:
Half court, marked by the yellow lines.
All games are not timed, the winner will be the first to 21 points.
Every shot is worth 1 point, regardless if you shoot beyond the 3 point line.
The winning team must win by 2 points, so the game will continue past 21 till a clear winner is established.
Fouls will result in a checked ball at the top of the key.
Each basket scored by a female is worth 2 POINTS. 这是我从维大给我发的E-mail里直接copy过来的,如果有不明白的地方,请留言或联系我. 作者: honeybobo 时间: 2008-9-5 18:33:28