Good morning Our records indicate that the creditcard nominated on a toll road account associated with this email address is dueto expire at the end of this month. Once you have received your replacementcredit card, please update the payment method details on your toll roadaccount. This will allow the continuation of automatic top-ups on your accountand ensure the account remains in a positive state. To update your credit card detailsplease visit the 'Manage Your Account' section of the toll road website, www.tollroad.govt.nz. Once you have signed in to your account: - Select'Account Data' from the menu on the left-hand side. - Select'Edit' located under the heading 'Payment Method'. - Inthe 'Edit Account' screen select the blue 'Edit' button. - Updateyour credit card details. Note: If you are updating your expiry date, we alsorequire you to re-enter your full credit card number. - Click'OK' twice to save the changes made. - Themessage 'The data was recorded successfully' will confirm the changes arecomplete. You may also call our Contact Centre on0800 40 20 20 (Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm) if you require anyassistance with your toll road account. Yours sincerely NZ Transport Agency Find the latest transport news, information,and advice on our website: www.nzta.govt.nz ###################################################################### This email is only intended to be readby the named recipient. It may containinformation which is confidential, proprietary or the subject of legalprivilege. If you are not the intendedrecipient you must delete this email and may not use any information containedin it. Legal privilege is not waived becauseyou have read this email. ######################################################################
它让你press OK twice 不告诉你为什么 你要是什么都不改 press OK twice你就又充值了10块 不充值是改不了detail的。。。。。。必须打电话改 纯属欺骗消费者 |