Hello PhD Win, this is C…..ia. I visited you on Tuesday evening with bad eczema. I have been drinking the tea as you instructed. I brew it for five minutes each time – is this right? I am feeling OK – my itchy skin is improving now which makes me happy. Thank you! My energy is about the same as before. But I think I did not explain my whole health condition properly to you on Tuesday. I want to make it more clear now: I do not have just ordinary “fatigue”. I have “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” (CFS) .This condition has many many symptoms: extreme fatigue, deep painful aching around my whole body, menstruation problems, nausea, bowel problems, memory/cognitive problems, sensitive to bright light and loud sounds, abnormal body temperatures, night sweating and other things. I have had this condition for ten years, very bad for the last two years. I am naturally quite a cold person but with this condition I would get “hot flashes” (like in menopause)- get very VERY hot suddenly, sweating, and have to take clothes off and stand outside to cool down. But in the last three months the hot flashes went away (got better) but then my eczema got bad. Now after my appointment with you, my itchy skin is improving but the hot flashes came back suddenly! But I got my period the day after I visited you, so maybe that is the reason? Anyway, I hope we can talk about these things at my next appointment next Tuesday. Thank you so much for all your help so far. C……..ia
虽然报告说有多达25%的人有慢性疲劳,但只有0.5%(200分之1)的人患有慢性疲劳综合征(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)。虽然包括儿童在内的所有年龄段的人都会受到慢性疲劳综合征的影响,但它主要影响年龄在 20 到 50 岁之间的人,而且中青年女性比男性更容易受到影响。患有慢性疲劳综合征的人会有真切并常现的禁用症状。慢性疲劳综合征和假装有症状(一种称为诈病的疾病)不同。
大部分患有慢性疲劳综合征的患者,障碍前,他们都身体健康,并且生理功能保持在高水平上。主要症状是疲劳,通常持续至少 6 个月,且症状严重以致影响日常活动。严重的疲劳甚至在醒着时也会出现,并持续一整天。这种疲劳通常会因体力消耗或心理性紧张而加重。然而,肌无力或关节或神经异常方面罕有实证。患有类似病毒感染的疾病,伴有发热、流涕、淋巴结轻度肿大或疼痛,其恢复期期间或之后,会产生极度疲劳。然而,许多人出现疲劳症状前无任何类似的疾病。其他可能发生的症状有集中注意力及睡眠困难、咽喉疼痛、头痛、关节痛、肌痛及腹痛。抑郁较常见,尤其是当症状严重或加重时。常出现与纤维肌痛(一种相关的疾病)症状重叠的症状