本帖最后由 匿名 于 2013-9-3 15:21 编辑
如果你今天去奥林匹克运动村,可以看见有几个造型美丽的大土堆,就是因为这些严重污染的东西没处可以堆放被埋在那里的。- h* V, L- P6 |, q5 X7 I( I6 z/ _
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作为黄肇强先生的助理,我全程参与了这件事情,因此比较清楚这些事情。奥林匹克村属于AUBURN市政府管辖,我和该市的林丽华市长相识多年,这些资料在政府层面上是公开,但是并不代表每个老百姓都知道这些事情,如果有疑问的话,你们可以上市政府或者州政府的相关机构进行咨询。# c5 i) O S' c& c
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----开始调查,来自nsw environment的确认------5 [ D# [; d7 F/ c
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The land was adjacent to the former Berger Paint Factory located at former Alfred Street, Rhodes, refer to Attachment 1. Past activities carried out in the paint factory resulted in the factory site as well as the adjoining Homebush Bay sediments being heavily contaminated with lead. 9 Q( b8 f% e, i( ?) {
The factory site was remediated and redeveloped and now forms part of the Rhodes Shopping Centre. The adjoining bay sediments area was declared an Investigation Area and subsequently a Remediation Site (No.15013 dated 19 November 2002 and No.21050 dated 17 December 2003, respectively). The main concern was very high concentrations of lead in the surface sediments.4 L$ B/ }6 d: W& u! _; \& L
Orica entered into a voluntary remediation agreement on 3 May 2004. The remediation requires the removal of the surface sediments to a depth of no less than 30 cm or to the underlying shale bedrock. The remediated area will then be backfilled with clean material that is mixed with organic matter (“the clean capping layer”) and revegetated with mangrove.8 n$ Y4 a) \: F$ W
The remediation of the bay sediments was completed in the second half of 2006. Levels of lead at the base of the excavation vary and remain high. The actual levels of lead and the sampling locations are shown in Attachment 3 and Attachment 4, respectively. The lead contamination in the sediments at depth however should pose no threat to human health or to the environment as long as the clean capping layer is in place and remains intact.
现在2房600k+,实际价值450k or even below,来自Commonwealth bank的估值报告.但是依然卖得很好,很大一部分卖给了留学生,新移民,或者老移民买来出租而非自住.local普通不会买olympic park,homebush bay这一带的房子.因为他们都知道被严重污染过的历史,只有我们不知道.几个朋友想买房子,中介和开放商却只口不提污染的历史,那几个大烟囱,经过rhodes的人都会有印象吧,是为了净化当地的土壤而存在的,但是中介却不会告诉你们.消费者的知情权在哪里?看到各个网站上打出的各种地产广告,一个个吹嘘得天花乱坠,潜力无限,我就纳闷了,那么好的房子,local都抢完了,何必又要来开发我们华人市场呢.忽略掉任何以中文形式发布的房地产广告,这是我对要在悉尼买房子的同学们的建议.好房子,根本不需要印刷中文版,就已经全部清空了./ P( D' I! \; c1 v
还有就是,不要以为aus gov是个白乌鸦, too simple,sometimes naive.0 M9 H9 V9 ~3 M* N# T