本帖最后由 fakeworld 于 2011-11-20 11:58 编辑
17/09/2011 自從LX3送修之後. 喜歡上膠捲機拍出來的相片的感覺, 之後的上傳應該都會是膠捲的 :)
========================================================= 間格了將近兩個星期沒有貼...忙翻了... ========================================================= 第二頁 在#54, 點我
第三頁 =========================================================
跟朋友玩樂性的說好從14/03開始一天一張相片, 持續一年, 就叫"Foto 365"吧. 希望可以維持下去.
Day1, 14/03
look through the window
Day2, 15/03
I am coming for ya!!
Day3, 16/03
Rabbit: hey, why are you hiding?
Bear: because I am afraid of human, they do what they want, choose what they want to listen, and don't care about any others.
Rabbit: no, they are actually pretty nice, they consider before they do, think after they listen, come with me and i will show you.
Bear: Hmm, hope you really will show me the good side of humans.
*image from a T-shirt I bought, branded Parinto, however, couldn't find out who the designer is....
Day4, 17/03
no matter what we do, we choose our own life.
Day5, 18/03
Girl in the red shoes (image photoshopped a bit by the girl...)
Day6, 19/03
the joy of music
Day7, 20/03 "Van 4 Sale" Two Travellers, finished their travel in NZ and heading back to French. Thanks for letting me take foto of you two :-)
Day8, 21/03 天空灰灰的, 心情也灰灰的
Day9, 22/03 Fragile
Day10, 23/03 Let's light up your life
Day11, 24/03 Hot tub time machine!??!
Day12, 25/03 a day it rains...
Day13, 26/03 wake up in the misty, lost the sense of the direction.
Day14, 27/03 Lost in woods (*this one is purely by accident...)
Day15, 28/03 Wish I have strong hands that could hold the world.
Day16, 29/03 hope one day, it could all become real
Day17, 30/03 Where are you??
Day18, 31/03 Active Body, Active Mind
Day19, 01/04 Man made galaxy
Day20, 02/04 Only if I can fly...
Day21, 03/04 What do you see when looking through the window?
Day22, 04/04Happy Birthday to a Friend 今天是個老朋友生日, 所以放她以前的舊照片...
Day23, 05/04 A sleepless night....
今天幫朋友忙, 忙到忘記照相 X(, 正好這兩張以前的圖可以代表今天的情況....
Day24, 06/04 Red...
今天繼續朋友忙, 兩張以前的圖...2007年在日本
Day25, 07/04 今天出門了, 下雨天....
"after the rain, looked at the reflection in the water, and realise that it's all connected."
"下雨過後, 看著地上的倒影, 發現, 其實都是連在一起的."
Day26, 08/04 Knowledge, in multiply process...
Day 27, 09/04
Day 28, 10/04
Day 29, 11/04
Day 30, 12/04
Self Portrait - 01
Day 31, 13/04