- 10066617
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升级 32.54% - UID
- 10066617
- 热情
- 18645
- 人气
- 25534
- 主题
- 281
- 帖子
- 8489
- 精华
- 1
- 积分
- 26508
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 注册时间
- 2017-8-17
刚刚看到 工党主页特别强调大平洋岛国,我对工党认知度哗哗哗降低了。工党你这婊子
Policy area 2: Immigration, Settlement & Pacific Climate Change
New Zealand has long-standing ties and a unique set of relationships with the Pacific Island nations including the three realm countries of Niue, Tokelau and the Cook Islands; the Samoan Quota, the Pacific Access Quota, the Treaty of Friendship with Samoa, the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme, and its sizeable Pacific population who have made Aotearoa their permanent home. Due to these strong and deep relationship, New Zealand is expected to take a leadership role and to be seen to be doing so in the promotion, fostering and strengthening of these unique set of relationships.
Labour also recognizes that Pacific Island nations are at the frontlines of rising sea levels as a result of climate change and global warming. People from the island nations of Tuvalu and Kiribati face real threats of being displaced from their home island and becoming climate change refugees through no fault of their own and will need to find new homes in future years.share on twitter
Labour will:
Work with regional partners and organisations, and review migration policy to establish an Immigration Pacific Plan that recognises Pacific Climate Change refugees who have been displaced by climate change and global warming to ensure they have real and timely options for mobility across the region
Establish a Ministerial Advisory Group to examine the outstanding immigration issues with Pacific countries with a view of recommending lasting solutions reflective of our special relationship with Pacific Island states
Review the family reunification categories and Pacific quota to ensure they are accessible for Pacific people, are working effectively, and are consistent with wider Pacific development commitments
Retain the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme, monitor its effectiveness and contribution in New Zealand and the wider Pacific, and ensure that people working under the RSE scheme are free from exploitation
Establish a modern fit-for-purpose settlement programme based on international best practice and which is designed with local communities and government agencies and which will be required to address the adjustment needs of migrant as well as local communities. |