Sign-in to the Huggies Baby Club using the green box on the top-right of this page, or click “Join” if you are not already a member.
Create your personalised claim form by clicking on the button below (which will appear once you have signed in to the Huggies club) and follow the instructions. You will be able to print your form straight away, or save it as a pdf file to your computer and print it later.
Send your completed claim form and original barcodes, with payment (credit card details OR attach a cheque or money order for $8.00) to the address on your claim form. Cheques/Money Orders should be made payable to "Huggies Art Desk Offer".
Sign-into the Huggies Baby Club using the green box on the top-right of thispage, or click “Join” if you are not already a member.
Createyour personalised claim form by clicking on the button below (whichwill appear once you have signed in to the Huggies club) and follow theinstructions. You will be able to print your form straight away, orsave it as a pdf file to your computer and print it later.
Sendyour completed claim form and original barcodes, with payment (creditcard details OR attach a cheque or money order for $8.00) to theaddress on your claim form. Cheques/Money Orders should be made payableto "Huggies Art Desk Offer".
Offeris open to New Zealand residents only and is limited to the first11,000 valid claims. Offer ends last mail 29th August 2008 or whilestocks last. Maximum 2 claims per household.作者: ˇ桃桃 时间: 2008-5-9 14:16:59
Sendyour completed claim form and original barcodes, with payment (creditcard details OR attach a cheque or money order for $8.00) to theaddress on your claim form. Cheques/Money Orders should be made payableto "Huggies Art Desk Offer".