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升级 35.85% - UID
- 10066617
- 热情
- 19229
- 人气
- 26117
- 主题
- 291
- 帖子
- 8633
- 精华
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- 积分
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- 阅读权限
- 30
- 注册时间
- 2017-8-17
本帖最后由 北岛黑蜻蜓 于 2017-8-31 08:17 编辑
sipix 发表于 2017-8-30 23:16
大量引进移民时就根本没考虑这些人的衣食住行,导致九年后住 ...
我选新西兰保守党(Conservative Party)
于2011年8月在奥克兰宣布成立,党魁为曾经角逐2010年奥克兰市长选举的Colin Craig。
· 废止新西兰排放交易计划
· 个人收入的头20,000纽币予以免税
· 支持自卫和保护个人财产的权利
· 将新西兰国会议员人数从120人削减到99人
· 反对禁止体罚儿童的“反掌掴法”
· 强烈要求收紧酒精管理,包括将法定饮酒年龄上调到21岁
· 反对同性婚姻- 废除新西兰国会中为毛利人预留的毛利专用席位
- 反对土地出售给外国投资者
* Ensuring that all people who can work for their benefit, and all those on the Job Seekers Benefit, do so. No-one should be able to receive an income without having worked for it. The Job Seekers Benefit payment would reflect the hours in training or hours worked by the recipient in the task at a rate proportional to 40 hours total for full payment.
* Putting a complete stop to benefits for 16 and 17 year olds (youth benefits) who are not in training or education.
* Subsidised education to allow people to train or retrain for employment. This will ensure that beneficiaries will have the opportunity to gain qualifications or basic numeracy and literacy skills to create better prospects for employment;
- * Introducing a ‘user pays’ hospital system, whereby anyone requiring hospital treatment for any alcohol or drug related incidents will be required to contribute towards the cost of that treatment on a percentage basis. These fees will be waived, if the patient successfully undergoes a 6 month drug and alcohol rehabilitation programme;
- Net zero immigration, for a period, until housing demand is eased. Student visas would be excluded from this immigration total.
- We need to free up residential land that is being used as a land bank by developers. We incentivise that by implementing a land tax on dormant residential land which would increase on an annual basis.
- Implementing practical solutions around housing itself, such as pre-approved and pre consented housing designs. Any designer would be able to have their designs approved nationally, and put on a website of approved designs from which people can choose what house design they would like on their section. Councils would only then be required to sign off on the likes of drainage and siting, which would significantly reduce consent time frames and costs.
- Only New Zealand citizens and residents should be able to own land in New Zealand.
- *Restricting ACC cover to Tax Residents and removing automatic cover available to temporary visitors to New Zealand on visitors visas or on work visas of less than 6 months duration, making travel/health insurance a requirement for a visa to be issued.
- * Introducing age related, government funded, health checks to enable early intervention in health issues common to New Zealanders;
Lowering the age of offending for all charges, through the Youth Courts, to 12.
Repeat offenders would be required to attend 1 year at an age appropriate Boot Farm facility. Further information regarding Boot Farms can be found