if you know the owner's car registration number, u can go to postshop find out their address and then give them the car registration number of that indian couple作者: Michy 时间: 2010-6-28 18:31:29
i hope this helps作者: 鱼儿水中游 时间: 2010-6-28 19:35:54
[quote]if you know the owner's car registration number, u can go to postshop find out their address and then give them the car registration number of that indian couple
Michy 发表于 2010-6-28 17:31
谢谢你的建议,如果我知道那台车的registeation number 我就直接在这里写上了。最近几天还经常过去那边看一下,希望能找到那台车。
没记下那台车的registration number 真的是我自己的失误。我最近也在网上看车款,试图找到类似的车子,但是没有找到。